thunderous applause for MS dance workshop with guest appearance in Bielefeld
The sold-out theater laboratory rewarded the attentive Bielefeld audience the dance-theater production of "Mental Maps & Patterns" of the German -Swiss company with thunderous applause and cheers. As expected, there was then active in the audience Disskussionen Schern. This cleverly staged seduction piece won by a fantastic choreography and produces outstanding dance performance the protagonists Ariane Funabashi, Berit Jentsch, Felix Knight, Hanna Feldhaus and Nina Patricia Hänel.
With a total of 9 patterns (thought pattern), the spectator while leading in a perfidious and horrible beautiful laboratory. can escape (excellent lighting by Rupert Lademann) A brainwashing it is difficult. recalls the aesthetics of the video images sometimes the imagery of Riefenstahl. The exceptional choreographer Heinemann Jaillet created a unique, high-risk and mentally complex work, which makes irritated, fascinated and deeply emotionally affected. One should have seen several times to capture the complexity of this piece.
Unbelievable what is being brought to life with dance.
George Kanter, Hanover