Monday, March 7, 2011

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News from the Religion of Peace - VIII

documents prove the participation of the Egyptian secret service in the terrorist attack on a Coptic church in Alexandria on New Year's 2011th
for the suspicion of the Egyptian human rights activist Mamdouh Nakhla lawyer and that the Egyptian State Security has been involved as an accomplice in the bombing of a Coptic church in Alexandria on New Year's Day, now seem to have turned up evidence. According to a report by al-Arabiya to the headquarters of the Egyptian secret service in Alexandria are official documents had been found to confirm the plans for an attack on Coptic churches. ( Continue here )
More details können auf dem saudischen Nachrichtenkanal Al-Arabiya nachgelesen werden (dem eine einseitig christenfreundliche Berichterstattung nicht wirklich nachgesagt werden kann), sowie auf AINA, der »Assyrian Internatoinal News Agency«:
The diplomatic papers, first cited by Al-Arabiya Arabic news channel, allege that former interior minister Habib El-Adly established a black ops unit in 2004 supervised by 22 security officers with drug dealers, Islamic militants and security personnel on its payroll. The unit's role: carry out false flag acts of provocation and sabotage around the country aimed at diverting people's attention away from the regime's corruption and unpopular political manoeuvres.

"El-Adly militias," as they were described, were also instructed to "wreak havoc in the country if the regime was threatened."

According to British diplomats cited in the documents, the clandestine security apparatus was behind a number of sectarian incidents in Egypt, including the Alexandria church bombing. The unit organised the deadly attack then pinned the blame on a foreign Islamist group in order to bolster western support for Mubarak's authoritarian regime, they said.

If true, the revelations in these documents would be "explosive," says Adel Ramadan, a lawyer who has represented victims in many sectarian cases.

The intelligence report is said to reveal how El-Adly's security officers used their informant network to contact Jundullah on Islamic extremist group, offering to Provide weapons for an operation Aimed at "disciplining the Copts." Members of Jundullah were recruited to park a car wired with explosives in front of Al-Qiddisine church, then detonate it by remote control. But the ministry's operation handler Detonated the parked vehicle before the recruit could get out, making the deadly bombing appear as a suicide attack.
( Continue here )
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Islam of course is the religion of peace, and just as natural to Europe and its history belongs - such as the destruction of Pompeii, the Huns wars, the plague in Florence, the Turkish sieges Vienna, the earthquake of Lisbon and Messina, Stalin's Gulag, or the Holocaust under the Nazis. So why not Islam ...?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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plagiarism scandal draws ever-widening circles

As usually well informed sources reportedly suspected that Ludwig van Beethoven in the finale of his Fifth Symphony the tune of "A, B, C - a cat running in the snow"
! plagiarized
. If the suspicion is confirmed, Ludwig van Beethoven, the finale of the Fifth Symphony would be withdrawn.

regard to the initiation of criminal investigations in the plagiarism case, it is because of conflicts between prosecutors in Bonn and Vienna to delays. As a preliminary issue to be clarified include whether because of the temporary death of the suspect a hearing must be made in the case before the Last Judgement.

We keep you informed of further developments of this affair going on ...

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Where audacity to dress as a decency

In those catchy songs you could put a series of events of recent days. For example, the pseudo-academic excitement, with "a Marxist word sleeve Drechsler, such as the ex-DDRler Gysi, the dissertation reads like a report from the SED-mag" New Germany "a Central Committee meeting on" law and socialism, the ex-Dr. Good to ... to resign asked.

But the wording was the " Prussian General " to the Turkish Prime Minister Snotty arrogans (or something similar) on the occasion of his Düsseldorf Sports Palace speech is (a stadium of a sports palace - well, somehow ... In any case, more than one billion Görüs Mosque a place of worship): "Do you want the total Turkishness? Do you want total Islam ... "
Where audacity to dress as a decency, it is simply irresistible . For that matter, Recep Tayyip Erdogan was dressed as always brilliant. Three years after his last attack, he rode at the weekend, the second attack against Germany on its own soil.

Erdogan was deeply concerned to Germany. Apparently he has observed that one or the other Turk really feel comfortable with us, perhaps even friendly contact with Germans wont. In contrast, the Turkish prime minister went to Dusseldorf with fiery enthusiasm. First, he made clear his enthusiastic audience, in what a terrible state, they are
( on here )
You must be a Prussian, to read the "Prussian General." And you have to be a Turk to understand the last sentence of the article:
For the Prime Minister was his Germany attack in any event a success. Quite a few German, Turkish and German Turks who have been following the visit are expected, nose now have a little full of themselves. Will clarify, no, that's how fronts. That may be the "worst of circumstances," but added that must get, you know, Mr Erdogan?
Or, more precisely, one should not be a Turk of the variety arrogans. Otherwise, you will also be unmasked before something ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Lesser Pleasures ...

But now to something else entirely ... (© Monty Python)

In the night from Thursday to Friday was held in Vienna stop. Among the victims were of good taste, style and manners to complain (even more sure, the spectators were killed). It seemed like every year around this time, the opera ball. And the crème de la crème (which is what Karl Kraus has translated once so aptly with "scum") as local communities, rolled over the floor, which is no longer a diplomatic, not even more of a commercial, but only by those up washed up "celebrities" is dominated by the vacuum of our tax money and for that red, white and red sashes may bind to the Fettwampen ...

Blog Bellfrell colleague's getting to the point:

Bravo Ruby! You have them demonstrated the fine ladies and gentlemen and you were also considered very pretty.

Many a fine lady would be wiser not to bring cameras in front of the ORF, since it enables very clearly their fineness was robbed.

The new state opera manager had, according to ORF a "successful Opera Ball Debut," which also will always mean, for what could happen to him already for a worse embarrassment than that it the whole evening would be running with open "tails door" to the opera.

The Vienna mayor was photographed with glass and illumination in addition UHBP and everything was "very nice and made us very happy.
( Here on)

side characters like the Viennese beer coachman takes in fact a Moroccan escort girl still like Her Grace, Duchess of Rubinia Camford, most from yourself ...

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The Koran is just as racist as Hitler's "Mein Kampf"

under this title published Michael Mannheimer on his blog excerpts from a longer essay (" worldwide persecution of Christians by Islam "), one sums up 2007 at the Collegium Orientale in Eichstätt lecture given.

research grants in exactly the author with all the lies and cheeky euphemism embezzlement, our want to implement system media and politicians system practiced in unison.

addition to the text you see the way the body of a young Iraqi Christian woman who was following the liberation of their country from a cruel dictator of the brutally murdered since then in power located followers of the religion of peace in the throat rammed by a crucifix.

Here are just a few sentences to set the mood:

"Jews and Christians are the sweat stench of camels and shit eaters equivalent to and are part of the impurity most of the world ... all non-Muslim governments are creations of Satan, which must be destroyed."

This is not a quote from a crazy Muslims out of the dark Middle Ages. None other than Ayatollah Khomeini, the highest Shiite cleric in the hierarchy of Shiite thus equated with the role of the Pope in Christianity qualified with those same words on many of its public and less public events, sweeping all Christians, Jews and other "infidels" of the world from. ( Here read more)
I try to imagine just what would happen to a Christian religious leader, "the Muslims as the sweat stench of camels and shit eaters equate" designated and she reckoned "to uncleanness most of the world" ...

Where is it in Austria too long ausjudiziert is a criminal offense to call the famous inventor of this "religion" as a child molester - even though he ascended than 56 years of his nine-year-old "wife" Aisha , and his "role model" following up Today, countless young girls in the Islamic world is quite legal for decades in older men "are married."

In Austria, the sale of Hitler's concoction is prohibited. The public and the distribution of its content would be punishable as incitement, and the formation of an organization which prescribes the objectives of this book would fall under the crime of Nazi activities. But why
  • the sale of the "Koran", which proved far more inflammatory passages - to explicit calls for murder - contains anti-Jewish, as Hitler's "Mein Kampf" has not been banned long ago?

  • may passages in this hateful work every day to be publicly reproduced and disseminated?

  • are organizations such as the "Islamic Religious Community in Austria," who enforce the objectives of the Quran prescribed (and that includes just the suppression of "possessing written Infidels ", among which are understood to include Jews), has not been long since banned by the authorities?
participate Why Austria's politicians, authorities and courts "to the machinations of a supposed" religion, contrary to the objectives clearly the principles of the highest constitutional standing, the UN Charter?

Is it really just stupidity of our leaders? But even with a low confidence in the intellectual abilities of our leaders - so much boundless idiocy is not really imagine ...

Is it cowardice? Or is it a wretched calculus of political power, through the detour "Islam" the rebellious subjects, who in the West no longer tracks do so, as our wish for the ruling class, to bring back under the heel? Anyone trapped in a repressive order of life such as Islam, has its chains - as invisible - much more indestructible than any external restraint.

One is certainly not: the correct answer to a as a metastatic tumor in our Western society is expanding totalitarian ideology! The Nazis were not known, guided by the extent possible concessions in civilized tracks, but had to after they had become large by looking away and appeasement That can be defeated by a bloody world war.

holds Frankly, my interest in World War No. 3 is very limited - as any sensible person to me would be a good time reduce the risk much better. It is indeed not only to the dentist when the jaw is ulcerated. So why wait as in this festering tooth so long ...?

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Because it's so beautifully simple

... and because I love Latin, I must quote from this blog *):
The inflation rate has risen significantly, particularly in food and energy have become considerably more expensive. The economist Hans Wolfgang Brachinger explained FOCUS online interview, why is only the beginning.

Small economists advice blog "Ostseestadion Blog Rostock declined today with the inclined readership on the example of the money supply increase, the word" Inflare (bloat - the money supply):

present indicative

1 . Person singular Inflo I blow on
second Person singular inflas you blow on
third Person singular inflate he inflates
first Person plural inflamus we blow on second
Person plural inflatis her on blast
third Person plural inflant blow it on
times I blow the time being. Who wants to blow - here to help you ...

----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

ergoogelt *) From the GfdS as "word of February 2011."

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The show must go on - or rather: the farce continues ...

ECB economist: "utopian return to the gold standard"

... » subtitled the press," the forgotten cited an article by the ECB chief economist Juergen Stark in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (never on the correct websites, the motto seems ...).
also fixed exchange rates are the wrong way, says ECB chief economist Juergen Stark. He is in favor of flexible exchange rates.

A return to the gold standard or the renewal of the fixed exchange rate system of Bretton Woods on a global level was "utopian." Therefore should, in particular developing countries such as China that keep their currencies against the U.S. dollar artificially low, have failed in the flexibility of their exchange rates, the basis for a new stable currency system.

"Towards a stable international monetary system does not lead to a global fixed exchange rates," said Stark.
How often on important issues are the clear words of comment posts under the article more informative than the "article"-Bulletin, which has long ago as the pronouncements of the Central Committee of the SED in the "new Germany." Because the system media and its hacks have an invaluable advantage: to recognize their effort conceal the sober truth at some training hundreds of meters into the wind. Whether it is covered up origin of violent acts, whether it comes oiled spin from catastrophic Economic data goes - they can maybe a few clueless fool with their empty words, but the authority to interpret public opinion they HAVS thanks to the Internet and lost decentralized information dissemination ago. A liar is not just once but continuously, it is believed the same no more ...

to "strong" talk around the posters said, therefore, include the following: Poster »Swiss from Bern" (03/04/2011 12:18):
Utopian than the reflections of Mr. Stark. As long as states have a free license to print money, they will never, ever pursue credible monetary policy.

short term and in legislatures thinking Politikbetreibende simply unable to get the public finances under control.

If you look back in history you can find: All countries were aware of the gold standard, had a low inflation, stable economies, a sound currency. These countries have never had payment problems. Above all, the gold standard, people in these countries has protected very effectively against the Lauenen politics! The thoughts of Mr. Stark, is generous these may be, are nothing more than academic contortions.
posters »cerberus" (03/04/2011 11:50)
return to the gold standard is the most sensible alternative to Fiat Money. Of course, especially the Americans, who have the highest debt and have started up around the Clock, the note printing press, because no interest. It fails (still) the Rücehr the gold standard. In the latest 10 years after vohergehender currency reform and massive currency devaluation, we will indeed have the gold standard again, but have lost all their savings in savings accounts, bonds, etc. thanks to devaluation and monetary reform.
Finally posters »Sinus" (03/04/2011 11:39)
Bretton Woods Agreement - This agreement was established in 1944 by the victorious powers, that the dollar is the new "world currency" should be. It was agreed that 25% of the value of the dollar in gold must be deposited. Thus, had the other States do not do it yourself. 1971 Charles de Gaulle wanted to exchange the accumulated dollars in gold. He got nothing but, as there has been the gold ever. The Americans have on debt (and the expense of others) the "American way of life" funded ". People could freely print money and thus reduce the value of the currencies of all countries.

now does the money printing game never seen before on fashion. No reasonable person will assume that the simultaneous crises in the Arab. and North Africa "by the people" went out. Rather, concrete interests for resources put behind it, even speak the "frozen = expropriated" billions Gadaffis the same language. Or is someone to seriously, that the respective States will return the money to the "poor people"?

The ECB economist is as much a clown as the other puppets who seek only then to prolong a broken system from which they benefit themselves. At the end there is always a monetary reform, as was the previous 2x Jhrdt. It's always the same game, only with changing People.

"If you have detected a problem and nothing to resolve contributions, will you even a part of the problem!" Ancient Indian wisdom.
now: that the political class, including the ECB and its compliant system media, in a word: the political-media Komplexler, not merely "part of the problem," but this show even almost exclusively - that certainly is a suspicion that most not only to me has come a long time ago ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Where? In Germany, when the handcuffs rattle for its theme glory? Oh, no, all is not so bad ...!

in Libya, perhaps? Yes, certainly - But that the Gaddafi will eventually go out of money and support is to see. So the voltage within limits (at least for those who do not have to be there).

No, but "in the world economic and monetary order (or you should not say this better,"-mess "?). Because
changed the international role of the yuan is under pressure from the People's Republic. can be provided for exporters and importers to settle this year to trade with their foreign partners in yuan, the central bank said yesterday in Beijing. This was a response to the growing importance of the yuan as the world reserve currency: "The market demand for cross-border use of the yuan rises", was reported the central bank. This means for the United States that their budget funding in future will be much more expensive. ( source )
I operated reluctantly as a prophet (who is constantly doing work on account of forecasting and the like junk, knows what is like to hold in reality), but that heralded with this step, the final round of the dollar was, does not seem unlikely. Not that I would not look for political reasons (I have as a member of a small state, a long time ago even a great power was, if even one of the smaller ones) just something against the arrogance of empire - but the disastrous collateral damage, which are thus created in the wallets of many innocent people, not a hopeful tune!

We are so true to an old Chinese curse "live in interesting times." Which together with the politically "interesting" times that we are likely in the Middle East soon gray, my (and many others) really needs exceed by far. are only the times required to prevent such a damn or not to shave demand, I'm afraid ... is

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hyacinth blue * *

Bald Mountain is already fixed!

# 1 lime green lime green} {
# 2 mint green peppermint green} {
# 3 turquoise lagoon turquoise lagoon {}
# 4 hyacinth blue  {hyacinth blue}
#5 fliederlila   {lilac violet}
#6 kirschblütenrosa   {cherry blossom pink}
#7 korallenrot   {coral red}
#8 madarinorange   {tangerine orange}
#9 zitronengelb  {lemon yellow}

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tatto Font Generation

draw ...

... for about 500 readers and so many lovely comments on my posts!

This has led me once again, this time to draw a "Pleated Pouch" from Skip to My Lou.

The Tilda fabric and ribbon (brown / white) is from the lovely Jana "bandwidth" , the flower fabric is Silke "With Hand and Heart" .

The trendy nail polish from "priti polish" is also part of this drawing!

The rules are always simple:

  1. write a comment to this post ... the length does not matter.
  2. Put a link, with or without a photo of "Pleated Pouch" back to your blog (not a must!)
  3. Participation is by 25 March 2011, 22:22 clock possible.
  4. Participation in the draw is free of course!
  5. Then, until 28 March 20 011 wait, fingers crossed and waiting for a colorful package of purple-Lotta.
  6. I give here know who won.

Leni has of course offered as a magic wand. (Yes again was clear ...)
About an active participation, I would be very happy ...

Good luck!

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It will be exciting news from the religion of peace VII

In Pakistan the minister for religious minorities, the Christian Shahbaz Bhatti, an assassination attempt was a victim. Unknown to hospital statements opened on Wednesday in the capital Islamabad fire on the politicians of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) by President Asif Ali Zardari. He was already dead when he was admitted to the hospital. The 45-year-old

Bhatti had come for a change to the controversial blasphemy law. For this he received repeated death threats from claims to Islamic circles. But he was willing to die if necessary for his position, Bhatti said only last month in an interview.
( Here read more)

But Islam means peace, as we know. At least those who Shahbaz Bhatti is now refused. The cemetery.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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months motto March ...

... more energy to come to the plate! My body will regulate itself again and it should tumble a few calories.
Yes, yes, the winter is over and thus an end to the increased calorie intake of food.
addition, the dates for some time and I no longer suffer from lack of light. How could they, if I ever to run the pudding! Hugo and I have already a few miles on the odometer and the walks are reducing some stress!

My twins are now 9 years old and is celebrated even in June! But Psssst:
a colorful birthday table with cake and a lot of fuss, I have secretly been prepared ;-) ...

This is a tradition at "P"!

What is your motto for this month ? Show it on the blog and / or flickr and sign up in the list a ....