digital photobook replaced traditional photo album from
Daniela Kleck, product manager of the lab extra film, information about qualitative differences, price differences and ease
Demand determines supply. A principle that finds its place in photography. With the growing interest in digital photography and the advent of the digital camera also increases the supply of appropriate photo products. One of these products is the digital photo album. What are the benefits of digital photo books, and how they are created, says Daniela Kleck, product manager for Germany, Switzerland and Austria, the online photo services
1) What general differences are apparent when comparing
between digital and traditional photo books created?
distinguishes The creation process of the two books are enormously from each other.
the conventional photo album are first developed the photos and glued into the purchased album. When digitally designed photo book print the photo book provider of digital images of the customer, similar to a printing press, directly onto the pages of the photo book. Your own text, symbols, or photo frames to be printed on demand. What the customer ultimately is holding a photo book with his pictures from a digital camera and his cell phone.
2) How to create the customer can be custom photo album with digital pictures? The images are read from camera, USB flash drive or computer in the program. Then the customer selects by clicking the directory model and format and to request a design template. We offer up to 140 design templates, of course, the customer can also be completely free

Who wants to make his personal photo book without the appropriate software and can be ordered at extra film and two book formats directly create the website. The web developers of extra film currently working on expanding the online ordering options. Soon, all books with a lot of function and design options to be ordered online.
3) What are the Benefits by creating a digital photo book?
The photo book is created faster, costs less and is more compact with the same number of photos. You do not need photo printing and no cement. The customer can order it by clicking reorder in any number of copies for family and friends and subsequently amend or, if you saved it. The design options, with text, are professional and extremely varied. You always can preview and change the design in no time.
Another advantage: The user has not set foot out the door. The design and ordering is easy arranged on the computer and sends the finished photo album photo providers by mail directly to the desired address. Also be sent as a present for most laboratories, shipping no problem.
4) What is the user-friendliness of the
computer programs?
The extra film ordering software is set up so that any user can start immediately after a brief sighting of the program with the creation of the picture book.
The intuitive software guides customers through every step from selection of a photo book to the order.
can not complete the customer's order, also provides an opportunity the current version of the photo-book store, and later to complete the design.
5) What are potential hurdles for the user?
The biggest hurdle is often the own fear, a photo book on the Internet or in order to create software. But this is unfounded: the operation of the software is at least as easy as operating the digital camera that allows pictures to the photo book were taken. In our customer service manager is to understand the often difficult, as the pictures go to the website or in the software. Customers who have already taken this step, call us at rare.
7) How much time do I need to create a digital photo book invest?
course of time depends on the size of the photo book and the individual Wishes of the customer. And with automatic photo-fill function, the photo-product can be created within three minutes, professionally and personally. create
A complex picture book with many pages, colors, and text can take, depending on individual design needs of customers up to three hours. However, this is still faster than a self-bonded to create album.
5) How big is the difference in price?
Taking into account cost of materials and the development costs for traditional photo albums, the cost of a digitally created photo books are much cheaper. For example, with extra film you get a 13 x 17 cm in size with a personalized Photo Book Hardcover including 40 pages and up to 270 professionally pre-printed images from only € 14.90. For photo albums from the retail sale of similar properties, the costs including development costs at about 24 - €.
6) What are the qualitative differences between traditional and digital
photo book?
Both products are constantly developed and adapted to the needs of customers. New designs, fine bindings and high-quality paper selection are just three of many issues that are undergoing constant improvement.
extra film, for example, offers its customers high-quality paper 170-250 grams, and specially padded bindings and extra-strength adhesive bonds to hot. These bonds provide a high degree of stability.
The image editing programs, the options and the refinement improved steadily. With more and newer equipment and processing techniques, the print quality is growing at an ever higher level. To meet the desired quality to the customer and the increasing demand, extra film in August 2009, the entire photo book range development. At the same time we improved the usability of the software order "designer".
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