pacemaker Festival ended in front of a packed RängenFulminanter Final point: starts with an expressive choreography inspired the German-Swiss company "MS-DANCE FACTORY" at the end of this year's Pacemaker Festivals.Es and ends with the projection of images on bare skin. Until, however, from the strict black and white patterns is a colorful field of flowers, sent the five dancers, a disturbing look inside. In nine sequences they discover under the title "Mental Maps and Patterns of cognitive maps and models of the people. It is about ideas, faith and imagination as well as subconscious images that affect the routes of the people through life. Introduced by short texts translate projected dancers the patterns in motion. Synchronous, dressed in black and white uniforms and in front of a similar stringent stage, they develop intricate, almost acrobatic characters and expressive choreography to show a high level. Thoughtfully and with plenty of symbolism brought the German-Swiss company "ms-dance work" internal plans and models of the people on the stage of the space in the Ludwig Forum
. Accents the light and the music that laid by subtle gradations in power and intensity of the messages untermalten.Besonders much emotional expressiveness of the artistic director of ms-dance works, Mario and Sophie Jaillet Heinemann, last in the chapter: the home. Faster and faster and breakneck whirl the body across the stage, they end up shaken by wild twitching on the floor. After this ecstatic outburst at last comes to color match, the dancers take off their uniforms and strict merge with the colorful Hintergrund.Frenetischer ApplausFür their subtle aesthetic and thoughtful performance of the public company and its leaders with frenetic applause. How all this year's pacemaker performance was also "Mental Maps and Patterns" then before the packed ranks statt.Veranstaltungsleiter Rick Takvorian drew a positive balance: "We had another great response and many visitors who come just for the pacemaker to Aachen, the creator. very different Productions to take into the program and to streamline the event again, to emphasize the festival character, is risen. "Takvorian, which now is responsible for the events of the entire city of Aachen, in the next year designing the twelfth pacemaker Festival. At the same time he wants to incorporate the experiences from this work in new projects. This is a series with the working title "Voices" part, which is scheduled for the autumn and the voice and its different manifestations is dedicated. If you missed the pace performances, may relate to individual dance "surprises" in the course of the year and the exhibition of pictures by photographer Andreas Herrmann . Forward
Sabine Busse
Aachener Nachrichten Photos: Günter Kraemmer
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