"An absolutely compelling performance with high precision that was once again hungry for more."
"An impressive game with expressive and emotional dance, lighting effects, video projections and music sequences."
"Heinemann continues to find amazing pictures "
" A brilliant finale. With an expressive choreography inspired the German-Swiss company ms-dance workshop at the end of this year's Pacemaker Festival
"The track" Mental Maps & Patterns "... wonderfully irritating. challenge of any festival. "
" ... the amazing dancers of ms-dance workshop brings back tension ... "
" Restrained dynamism, flexibility have something irresistible. "
" ... fascinating in a disturbing way. Mario Heinemann's choreography seduced with disciplined imagination. "
" are balanced perfectly on mystical and modern sounds and large Video projections. "
" For such kind of sophisticated, sensual and consistent dance theater is precious, as the arbitrariness of dance everywhere, making it painfully felt. "
" Fascinating physicality and intelligent production. For contemporary dance is not only designed emotion, but also crystal clear mind work "
" The highlight of the fascinating company of ms-dance work "
" Frenetic applause -.. For its subtle and aesthetic performance thoughtful of the public company and its leaders with frenetic applause .
"-endorsed conclusion of this year's festival pacemaker: the protagonists of ms-tanzwerk provided a rousing finale.
Source: Mannheimer Morgen according to this piece of the intellectually and aesthetically daring work is most closed of the past nights. It takes in many ways, the highest risks in buying and makes for a very unsentimental as deeply affected. It is a consistent, intellectually complex tightrope walk, with high crash potential. the inner logic of the piece is consistent, though not necessarily likeable. plan is a complex, intellectual to the sensual shape and thereby transferred to experience became. this proves to be the work not as illustration, but as the construction of a perceptual situation, appeals to the memory, stored codes etc.. dance, video, music, text, light, stage and costumes form a subtle, suggestive unit and create the outer frame for internal operations. it is about localities inner life, and how immediately the colonization by public signs and images subject. from the first to moment, the piece has an eerie atmosphere, which we consider, however, for not a political statement, but to see arise from the artistic experiment, which is in itself to do in itself a mapping process that allows no disinterested observer: Leaving the imagination as contaminierter. so hermetic of the evening comes along, but he transported generation and emerge as an open process. theme of the piece is a process in audience ... exemplified by the term 'homeland'. resembles the artistic act as a laboratory experiment, in which the audience is less than the leaders of raisonierende laboratory test subjects and experimental animals: the process is the immersion of a slow and a gradually escalating 'unreasonable'. This suggestion is based on a collective fundus images as it was used in the disciplining of totalitarian campaigns and strategies will continue to be used. work is a montage of pieces from an aesthetic and linguistic art, which are increasingly - and increasingly nasty - furnish the brain, certain boundaries routes, trig facilitations and become increasingly independent existence. stimulation leads landscapes forever unacceptable ways, in more and unacceptable, but it does absolutely logical. over dizzying precipices German away, we will pose with images, noises, sounds and words, fed and out, be seduced and manipulated. the dancing screw almost trance-like through ritualized and historicist patterns of movement and the music supports this ansatz.die own judgment - the stew to personally irritated or fired from ironic elements of the staging - gets spin increasingly ins, because the piece is shaped by two opposing movements: affirmation and subversion, whether the video at the end of the play as kitsch - kitsch is about fulfillment of expectations - to see or as ironic commentary bare, the piece is not out of the caliper its suggestive pattern entlassen.das quite insidious of the concept illustrates a quote of the aesthetic and philosophical Wolfgang Welsch, when he said something : the actual perception is never wrong - only in retrospect turn out to judge it as true or falsch.ich would like to close with a quote from CG Jung, the Gaston Bachelard in his 'Poetics of Space' and cites the alarming rate of as worthy of us considered perhaps erklärt.zitat piece: "The awareness is behaving like a man that is a suspicious noise in the basement to the attic and heard hurried in order to determine that none are thieves there. In reality, this cautious man but not married in the cellar "ms-tanzwerk has married in the cellar and deserved this recognition it has given us but also something from the cellar brought up with -... and that requires skill and can jury recommends that the production 'mental maps + patterns' as winners of the Stuttgart Theatre Award in 2006
source. tanznetz.de
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