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New Dance Theatre Creation" Mental Maps & Patterns
mental maps are called are the cognitive maps, that we try to bring order into the labyrinths of thought Similar to spatial orientation, it also means, boundaries, locations, but the maps do not geographically driven, but bio-graphically. as a network of memories, images and perceptions they structure the individual with mental orientation "Mental Maps & Patterns." - under the direction of Mario and Sophie Heinemann Jaillet - which pursues the labyrinthine Companie topographies of these emotional and spatial patterns of thought. This time, let Heinemann Jaillet and others inspired by Margret Eicher's work "On the use of pattern and weave a bold connection between the places where our thinking is at home and the dazzling concept of" home ". In dance precision, irony and moments of surprise arises ms tanzwerk the profound and sometimes abysmal, which is used in this transformation of thought to the actual home country to the fore and we certainly affect ambivalent.
Dr.Clara Schlichtenberger
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Photos: Günter Krammer
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