Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dishlex Dishwashers Eco Flashing

What is missing here?

On Wednesday, 23/02/2011, 17:31 Clock, it was so far: the - key to the opinion leaders Spiegel - German news magazine "Focus" was in its online edition deliberate and determined a Article under the title:

Gaddafi is said to have ordered the Lockerbie attack

Libya resigned Minister of Justice has accused Gaddafi of having personally led the airplane attack on the Scottish town of Lockerbie. While 270 people were killed.

The Swedish newspaper "Expressen" Libya's former minister Mustafa Abdel Jelil quoted on Wednesday as saying. "I have evidence that Gaddafi has given orders to Lockerbie" are, the type of evidence, he did not say. Jelil has resigned as a sign of protest against the violent crackdown against demonstrators in Libya. The attack 1988, all 259 people were killed aboard a Pan Am-machine and eleven people on the ground.

"Expressen" he said, according to the paper that Gaddafi had given Abdel Basset al Megrahi, who was later convicted as the sole reason of the attack, the order. "To cover up that he did everything in his power to bring back to Al Megrahi out of Scotland," the ex-minister was quoted as saying.
Convicted Lockerbie bomber had been released on humanitarian grounds in 2009 from a Scottish prison in Libya. It was then that he was near death due to prostate cancer. Al Meghari lives today. *)

What is missing here?

Quite right! detected Excellent! The shrewd magazine reader will immediately set: "Gaddafi is true of any presumption of innocence" have missed ...

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*) LePenseur asked for leniency, that it was necessary to prove the imkriminierten failure to cite the article in extenso and hopes that this - even in times like these - not as a violation of copyright law, nor as Plagiarism is considered. connect


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