Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow Plow For A Honda Pilot

This The African Kulturbereicherern

... the lush, thanks to our social and state structures are due to shattering in North Africa this week to get to our flesh-pots will not happen quite so unbeheimatet begrudge, the Austrian Rotfunk » The new face of" time in the picture " , "as Austria could report valued quality medium. He indulges in it (a couple of fees that are ripped off by ORF-proven totally abstinent cable TVs, apart) and nothing else ...

now know what "The press " trembling bliss if its cosmopolitan face of this new report?
Claudia Unterweger moderated since Monday alternately the "ZiB Flash" - the Austrian looks with African roots is a signal to young migrants, who are encouraged by their example.
Fine, but unfortunate since Arabella Kiesbauer memory are not really mulatto women in the ORF a novelty. So when the lady comes to the job that is rewarded for a manageable anspuchsvolle work with the socially aware cuddly salaries of the Vienna Küniglberg ? Oh, quite by chance, how life goes, it was on a list ...
few days later she was invited to audition. The aim was to re-write a report and present it. She stood well and had fun on camera. By Editor in Chief Fritz Dittlbacher it had soon get a positive feedback. On Monday it was finally so far - Unterweger had her first appearance as a news anchor on television.
Dittlbach is choice - after, we remember , even Dittlbach election one of the Social Democratic Party headquarters was - probably not have fallen too far from the tree from which he came by myself - it can wager safely, therefore, be completed on the political disposition of said woman Unterweger: "black" refers to it only to pigmentation. By which they obviously her life must have suffered terribly, at least when "their omission in the" press as by reading.
As a teenager, she would have liked a lot more black people in public spaces. Accordingly, it was for them a "great moment" when she first saw Arabella Kiesbauer on the screen. In this Unterweger moment was clear that she is not alone.
secure comforting for women Unterweger - but what we had earned non-Weger In fact this scourge of God Arabella Kiesbauer?
Growing up in Austria was a challenge for them. Because their environment you've always indicated that it was different and was always treated special. A painful experience, she says today. And these were not isolated experiences, very many black people would still not seen as a natural part of the population. Unterweger: "We are many, but not often visible."
Well, go! For example, if the minority of the color-blind, or the safety of the heart to pitying celiac sufferers' lot, but often are not "visible, one can understand this perfectly. But at a mulatto? ? Somehow reminds me of the old familiar Dr. Sperber anecdote, according to which of these cried out again: "Mr. Prosecutor, when is my client break actually" Something must wife Unterweger be all right - either that one "black man" as Such recognize, or that they are "invisible.
An Austrian traditions such as "chocolate cake" was being held. And still there was physical violence in public places - even in the Police to meet this line. Unterweger himself was also affected by verbal and physical racism: "Racism affects all of us as a phenomenon. Only those who are targeted do not have the luxury of being able to turn a blind eye "
Well, to be able to close your eyes, sometimes is somehow a favor -. But gives an idea of one of this interview that one in future television appearances Mrs Unterweger also to better seal the ears should be ... To survive
the "madness of daily life," you have in the community, the history of black people in Austria from the 17th and 18 Century explored. At that time these people were taken as slaves to Austria.
Yes, just so's you had been! In the 17th and 18 Century were known to be so widespread in the African colonies Austria hunted mercilessly slaves and deported to Austria! The Turks and the Negro chiefs have only seen the way the colonial-inspired Most skulls and Stoasteyrer broke under Wehrhaftigkeit protection Tyrolese rifle companies of in peaceful Negerkrale, and so the steady stream of house slaves and lust slaves gene Istanbul to a trickle dwindle could ... No wonder the Turks, these dirt competition, which they dispute the black African Ivory made by defense move to below the city walls of Vienna tried to fight! Yeah, so's to be had, just ...
This is not denied in the everyday racism of mainstream society, it continues to provide awareness raising for the club Pamoja. [...]

It expects to have those responsible that also their wish. "ORF will have already known who he gets there."
What we can assume in fact! It is part of Lichen gooder re-education strategy to us by the Austrian Rotfunk purely choked constantly. Which, like all good people staged by dizziness, trying to shake it, the population partly on the nerves and partly on the go ... ller A. cheapest over.

This self-pity Betroffenheitsgewäsch from the mouth of one who has fallen anyway, thanks to party membership and skin color at the ORF on the butter side, and there is an x-times the raked *), what the oh-so racist Austrians in the pastry a "Mohr im shirt, "dare to shop, get for real work - well, not angry ': such a self-pitying Geseich is really difficult to bear ... !

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*) "earned" is for it Now is definitely not the right word! What the Politgünstlinge would earn in the ORF, one can say unfortunately only in defiance of good upbringing ...


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