... I find nothing to say. Almost nothing. At least not enough to engage me on the current media hype seriously want. What there is not anything crawling out of holes in order "to show shaken," stammers hyperventilierend "cheater," with cameras and microphones ... sorry, I just can not!
More recently, one commentator went so far to say that, in view of what a French foreign minister, who has now resigned was to blame, (namely, their advice to Tunisia Ben Ali, to shoot the demonstrators) and the unprecedented audacity of clinging Guttenberg to be a minister, after he would have been unmasked as a "cheater," probably the difference between a true democratic spirit and the incarnated by Guttenberg opposite know it. Sure thing: in Tunisia's is all about shot protesters in Bayreuth about the "credibility of the science" ...
Well ...
First of all: I think this is a passable Guttenberg announcement Minister with a sense of PR. He was out before the Ministers, he is now as defense minister. What he is, at best, by his previous Sense of PR by others, actually existing political differences. Also, I have always held him for a slick shysters - something he stood out in my eyes from the mostly gray party ungeschniegelten mice as positive, such as by real personalities - which one looks for in politics for years (decades) en vain anyway - negative.
Now what about this "affair G.", however, operated, let me just back with the bitter aftertaste of Anwiderung. And with the presumption that, where the crowd is male - that is, rather, are having XY chromosomes in the genome, because most of masculinity has always been as far away as Guttenberg doctorate from now! -, She is envious especially his delicious looking wife, or where female - with the analog limitations: - it takes as disappointed Guttenberg female groupies to weapons Megärentums. "Then women to hyenas / she make with horror joke" be already knew Schiller ... ...
has done what the now derided as terrible Baron? He has written a dissertation full of trivia, or copied, and thus managed to get a doctor that he is running, after it leaked, has been withdrawn. The omniscient Wikipedia (which is full of plagiarism is the only way - ! who cares defined) as follows:
That leaves the non-criminal sense, the "trickery". Well, this is to say: Guttenberg is a politician - and one call me one, in this sense (for example in order to look good, to be re-elected to get a job to ... just name it! ) have never cheated "would have. Please only ... na can not be that difficult, right? I wait ...
make particularly ridiculous in my opinion, those who daherschwadronieren now of a "betrayal of science" (as if Guttenberg was seeking a professorship in constitutional law!), Or even the "high ethical principles violated the science," consider that eventually on the "virtue of truthfulness," the foot. Oh, children, what nonsense!
I can do as a lawyer the veeeery old study regulations, the tuna-Hohenstein'schen namely, sine ira et studio view: my promotion no study was needed - I graduated in three state trials and a duty Colloquium in Legal Philosophy disgusting by passing three rigorous: a legal history, a judiziellen and a political science. For as the Imperial Austrian lawmakers had waived the time for the typical "professional doctorates" of lawyers and doctors simply to the requirement of a thesis, and thus saves a lot of humanity unnecessarily printed paper!
In contrast to (say) art historian or Paleontologists, who has somehow missed his calling when he is not a scientist, a doctor or lawyer (or legally qualified official) only in exceptional cases - and ultimately as a completely unnecessary addition Ornament - "scientists. Here is a Ph.D. simply entitled decorum to taking difficult tests (nothing else to say yes, "viva"). Who then partout also "wanted to be scientists", could habilitation yes ...
fact that the German legislature has always been docked other criteria, but has no means to a higher "science" of medical and legal disciplines in Germany out, but only for mass production entirely senseless and pointless compulsory exercises, the binderies except for a couple of dissertation printing and good for nothing, absolutely nothing had! Has not read before - except, hopefully, the supervisor (or his assistant) and the unfortunate wife (or in most cases still, friend) of PhD students, to printing errors korrekturlas (do women love this kind of services just more patience). Back to
denounced Baron: I know but quite a few reasons why he should resign: for example, I think his way of subordinates, the media got into the crossfire to serve, simply, for disgusting. A department head has to face before his people and they do not drop like hot potatoes, just pleasantries because Journaille bad headlines! And I miss that in the official guide "concept." What will Guttenberg as Secretary of Defense (except: stand up to it), has not yet opened up to me. Only one could edge on that ground pretty much all politicians of the Western world (and not only this!) From office.
But failure to citations in a dissertation are not on those reasons. Let's take it jokingly, Guttenberg had all the quotations that he copied easily identified as such. Then he would take hold 1300 1900 had footnotes footnotes. And no problem with "Wikiplag" (or whatever it's called). And (because of the additional footnote lines) a dissertation of 500 pages long, instead of one of 475 pages. So what? Would this really increased the value of his thesis? I have not thoroughly studied (mean residual life's too precious, but that I wanted to waste a me completely indifferent about days!), But what I noticed so when flying: yes, very nice platitudes, very useful collection of material, solid structure and the overview - but no statement, no great breakthrough insights that one happy and leave amazed. But just to ask: how many doctoral theses, in which the would find, is there? I venture the forecast: not too many.
Whoever Guttenberg would kill for a fundamental misconception of our bloated, and thus deeply dishonest, "science company" violated my opinion a much more important virtue than that of the "scientific truth" (with it, just think of the unscrupulous counterfeiting of various climatic -charlatans, so far might not be her!), namely, the virtue of justice, to say to formulate pathetic. One could also, more discreet, "said fairness." Guttenberg is punished by deprivation of his doctoral degree in any case: the Teflon-Shooting Star Minister is currently quite modest from the laundry, and can actually go on for some time rather underground. Anyway, he has disgraced itself immortal and will not get rid of this stain on his light shining armor and, however much whitewash.
result but to stylize a drama for "science in Germany ', or imagine the" credibility of politics "in danger (as if any of these characters would find otherwise credible!) - This is just exaggerated and only of the malicious satisfaction that a previously Invincible was finally brought down, explained. And criticism is indeed an all too human, but not a noble soul movement, I would think ...
"In truth, we all lie" , Prof. Peter Stiegnitz , the founder of Mentiologie, so the study of human behavior lies, once put it aptly. Him, and really only him, I would trust the expertise to tackle the "case Guttenberg." And I would have to deceive myself in it very much if he would do with that harsh moralizing condescension, the "scientists at the moment and" scientists of all varieties and to put a lot of malicious Stammtisch philosophers of the day.
More recently, one commentator went so far to say that, in view of what a French foreign minister, who has now resigned was to blame, (namely, their advice to Tunisia Ben Ali, to shoot the demonstrators) and the unprecedented audacity of clinging Guttenberg to be a minister, after he would have been unmasked as a "cheater," probably the difference between a true democratic spirit and the incarnated by Guttenberg opposite know it. Sure thing: in Tunisia's is all about shot protesters in Bayreuth about the "credibility of the science" ...
Well ...
First of all: I think this is a passable Guttenberg announcement Minister with a sense of PR. He was out before the Ministers, he is now as defense minister. What he is, at best, by his previous Sense of PR by others, actually existing political differences. Also, I have always held him for a slick shysters - something he stood out in my eyes from the mostly gray party ungeschniegelten mice as positive, such as by real personalities - which one looks for in politics for years (decades) en vain anyway - negative.
has done what the now derided as terrible Baron? He has written a dissertation full of trivia, or copied, and thus managed to get a doctor that he is running, after it leaked, has been withdrawn. The omniscient Wikipedia (which is full of plagiarism is the only way - ! who cares defined) as follows:
In fraud meansOkay - so where is the "fraud" Guttenberg's lie? The criminal fraud can be, so we are not to ridicule, just check off. Has anyone ever been to because of his degree of Doctor of Defense? Or Guttenberg has applied for an assistant position at the university, and was preferred for his doctorate without a doctor cheated or even non-doctor? Well then ...
- in the criminal sense, a property offense in which the perpetrators mislead targeted in illegal enrichment intention, the victim of illusion or suppression of facts so that it is yourself or a third party damage to the assets, that is inflicting material damage.
- in non-criminal sense an illusion, not aimed at an economic advantage and thus a criminal seen form of fraud is irrelevant (for the definition as "trickery" means). It is required that the perpetrator of no other criminal offenses committed. Motives for this are often intangible values such as academic reputation, a punishment must be carried out if necessary out of court.
That leaves the non-criminal sense, the "trickery". Well, this is to say: Guttenberg is a politician - and one call me one, in this sense (for example in order to look good, to be re-elected to get a job to ... just name it! ) have never cheated "would have. Please only ... na can not be that difficult, right? I wait ...
make particularly ridiculous in my opinion, those who daherschwadronieren now of a "betrayal of science" (as if Guttenberg was seeking a professorship in constitutional law!), Or even the "high ethical principles violated the science," consider that eventually on the "virtue of truthfulness," the foot. Oh, children, what nonsense!
I can do as a lawyer the veeeery old study regulations, the tuna-Hohenstein'schen namely, sine ira et studio view: my promotion no study was needed - I graduated in three state trials and a duty Colloquium in Legal Philosophy disgusting by passing three rigorous: a legal history, a judiziellen and a political science. For as the Imperial Austrian lawmakers had waived the time for the typical "professional doctorates" of lawyers and doctors simply to the requirement of a thesis, and thus saves a lot of humanity unnecessarily printed paper!
In contrast to (say) art historian or Paleontologists, who has somehow missed his calling when he is not a scientist, a doctor or lawyer (or legally qualified official) only in exceptional cases - and ultimately as a completely unnecessary addition Ornament - "scientists. Here is a Ph.D. simply entitled decorum to taking difficult tests (nothing else to say yes, "viva"). Who then partout also "wanted to be scientists", could habilitation yes ...
fact that the German legislature has always been docked other criteria, but has no means to a higher "science" of medical and legal disciplines in Germany out, but only for mass production entirely senseless and pointless compulsory exercises, the binderies except for a couple of dissertation printing and good for nothing, absolutely nothing had! Has not read before - except, hopefully, the supervisor (or his assistant) and the unfortunate wife (or in most cases still, friend) of PhD students, to printing errors korrekturlas (do women love this kind of services just more patience). Back to
denounced Baron: I know but quite a few reasons why he should resign: for example, I think his way of subordinates, the media got into the crossfire to serve, simply, for disgusting. A department head has to face before his people and they do not drop like hot potatoes, just pleasantries because Journaille bad headlines! And I miss that in the official guide "concept." What will Guttenberg as Secretary of Defense (except: stand up to it), has not yet opened up to me. Only one could edge on that ground pretty much all politicians of the Western world (and not only this!) From office.
But failure to citations in a dissertation are not on those reasons. Let's take it jokingly, Guttenberg had all the quotations that he copied easily identified as such. Then he would take hold 1300 1900 had footnotes footnotes. And no problem with "Wikiplag" (or whatever it's called). And (because of the additional footnote lines) a dissertation of 500 pages long, instead of one of 475 pages. So what? Would this really increased the value of his thesis? I have not thoroughly studied (mean residual life's too precious, but that I wanted to waste a me completely indifferent about days!), But what I noticed so when flying: yes, very nice platitudes, very useful collection of material, solid structure and the overview - but no statement, no great breakthrough insights that one happy and leave amazed. But just to ask: how many doctoral theses, in which the would find, is there? I venture the forecast: not too many.
Whoever Guttenberg would kill for a fundamental misconception of our bloated, and thus deeply dishonest, "science company" violated my opinion a much more important virtue than that of the "scientific truth" (with it, just think of the unscrupulous counterfeiting of various climatic -charlatans, so far might not be her!), namely, the virtue of justice, to say to formulate pathetic. One could also, more discreet, "said fairness." Guttenberg is punished by deprivation of his doctoral degree in any case: the Teflon-Shooting Star Minister is currently quite modest from the laundry, and can actually go on for some time rather underground. Anyway, he has disgraced itself immortal and will not get rid of this stain on his light shining armor and, however much whitewash.
result but to stylize a drama for "science in Germany ', or imagine the" credibility of politics "in danger (as if any of these characters would find otherwise credible!) - This is just exaggerated and only of the malicious satisfaction that a previously Invincible was finally brought down, explained. And criticism is indeed an all too human, but not a noble soul movement, I would think ...
"In truth, we all lie" , Prof. Peter Stiegnitz , the founder of Mentiologie, so the study of human behavior lies, once put it aptly. Him, and really only him, I would trust the expertise to tackle the "case Guttenberg." And I would have to deceive myself in it very much if he would do with that harsh moralizing condescension, the "scientists at the moment and" scientists of all varieties and to put a lot of malicious Stammtisch philosophers of the day.
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